The Democracy Papers: Paper Sixteen
Don't Be Afraid. America has always been a nation of fighters. The resilience of its people is woven into its very foundation and has been tested in every generation by those who sought to dismantle its promise.
Don't Be Afraid
America has always been a nation of fighters. The resilience of its people is woven into its very foundation and has been tested in every generation by those who sought to dismantle its promise. Today, as we face continuous attempts to consolidate power, silence dissent, and erode democracy, we must remember one simple truth: we have been here before, and we have emerged victorious.
The fight to preserve the Union has never been easy. The Civil War damn near tore it apart and it's wounds continue to fester to this day. The fight for women’s equality was ridiculed and dismissed for decades before it became an undeniable force. The civil rights movement faced fire hoses, attack dogs and all manner of brutality from those who clung to power. And yet, every time authoritarianism has reared its head, we, the people have stood up, organized, and pushed back.
The Power of Resistance
The idea that we are powerless is a lie. Resistance is built into the very essence of this nation. Every major social and political movement that has shaped America, labor rights, voting rights, LGBTQ+ equality, disability rights, was not granted by those in power. It was seized by those who refused to accept injustice as the status quo.
When the government sought to suppress and silence, we found new ways to make ourselves heard. When laws were unjust, we disobeyed them. When leaders failed the us, we led ourselves. The Underground Railroad, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, Stonewall, the Suffragette marches, all of these were not acts of compliance. They were acts of defiance. Of resistance. Of resilience.
The New Frontlines
Resistance doesn’t just live in history books. It is happening right now. It lives in the government employees who refuse to be complicit, the whistleblowers who risk everything to expose corruption, the AltGov accounts that emerged during the darkest days of the first Trump administration. It thrives in the workers striking for fair wages, in the activists organizing in the streets, in the Swifties phone-banking and making bracelets and in the everyday people who refuse to accept the destruction of their rights.
To those in power who believe they can erase history, silence our voices and rule without accountability, we have one message: We are still here. And we are not afraid.
What Comes Next
This is not the first battle for democracy, and it will not be the last. But the lesson of history is clear: authoritarians only win when people stop fighting back. History has its eyes on you.
So we organize. We show up. We use every tool we have, our voices, our votes, our money, our collective refusal to comply with unjust rule. The government serves the people, not the other way around. And when those in power forget that, we, the people, will remind them.
The Union has survived worse than this. And so have we. The only thing they want is for you to be afraid.
Don't be afraid.
Don't be afraid to speak or to act or to witness. Don't wonder who will fix this or come to save us.
Don't be afraid.
Don't be afraid to protect your sisters and brothers. Your fathers and mothers. Your children and neighbors.
Don't be afraid.
Don't be afraid to stand with a stranger and fight for your rights to Life. Liberty. The Pursuit of Happiness.
Don't be afraid.
Don't be afraid.
Don't be afraid.
Make them afraid of us.